fanzine project


About the project

A fanzine is a small-circulation non-commercial publication, collection of fanworks dedicated to one theme or fandom in general. Zines are the product of either a single person or a small group of people. We want to create a project to cherish the complexity of Worm universe created by John McCrae, its worldbuilding, characters and storyline.

This is a non-profit fanzine. If we decide to make physical copies aside from free PDF-version, all the money will go to production and manufacturing. If we hit a breakeven, contributors are going to receive a free bundle, and the rest of funds will be sent to Wildbow.

We have several options for the direction of this Zine, and we will be happy to find out which one you find to be the most interesting one!
Fill out our Interest Check form and help us choose the direction of the fanzine!
Nature of the Conflict - a fanzine dedicated to the core nature of all capes - the strive for the conflict, the fight and the inability to live a peaceful life;Trigger - a fanzine about a topic that is dangerous and sensitive for all capes - their trigger, the circumstances associated with it, and the direction it leads them in the end;Day, Night, Morning - a fanzine about capes' daily life, and how they are balance their regular and parahuman lives;Another Earth - a fanzine dedicated to exploring AU ideas about Worm-verse;Gold Mourning - a fanzine about the hardships the characters went through in the Gold Morning, and its aftermath;Across the Shardspace -a fanzine focusing on parahuman powers, shards and the cycle;Gestation/Imago - a fanzine, dedicated to Taylor Hebert's thorny journey through the book's events, from the very start to the Gold Morning.


Q: Can I apply as both an artist and a writer?
A: Yes! However, keep in mind that you may only be accepted for one of those roles.
Q: How many contributors are there going to be?
A: The number of final contributors depends on the number of people who will apply for the project. We might end up having more or less contributors according to the number of applications.
Q: How the contributors are chosen?
A: We'd love to hear your recommendations for guest invited contributors! After the interest check will be complete, contributors' applications will be open.

Q: What do I do if I have to drop out of the project for personal reasons?
A: If for whatever reason you will not be able to meet the zine deadlines, please let the mods know and we will try to accommodate you to the best of our ability or find a pinch-hitter. The earlier the mods are informed of the situation, the better, - it gives us more chances to offer you an extended deadline or find a suitable pinch-hitter to replace you in time.

Interest check

Interest Check Form!


serv (they/them) - lead mod, art-mod, pitching and social mediaHello! Worm Zine is the third project that I'll be guiding as a lead mod! I’ll be answering all of your questions during the creation of the zine, as well as handle pitches, socials and spreadsheets. Lets stop the apocalypse together! My other project is here!

v_wind (she/her) - *mod, artist, GFX-design *Hi. Some of you might be familiar with me and my art. I really love Wildbow's work and I want to give my best to this project. Let's make a really cool thing together!

Blastweave (he/him) - *mod, social media *